About us
Our company
Our business has been on the market since 2011, our trademark is continuous expansive development, operated as a metal and plastic industry raw material, semi-finished and finished product trading business.
In addition to the trade of metal products and plastic tools, our company also started its own production in March 2020, which was carried out on a contract basis to its Hungarian customer partners.
As a result of the successful winning of the GINOP PLUS-1.2.1-21 tender in 2021, we are now able to meet the increased customer demands with our own machines.
KAP Processing Kft. received HUF 180.45 million in conditionally non-refundable support from the European Regional Development Fund for the implementation of the GINOP PLUSZ-1.2.1-21-00039 project within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Program Plusz. As part of the project, the new, modern plant to be established in Mórahalm in Csongrád-Csanád county will meet the needs of domestic and international customers in the indoor and outdoor metal furniture and accessories market. As a result of the investment realized within the framework of the Széchenyi Terv Plusz program, 16 new jobs will be created.
As part of the investment, KAP Processing Kft. acquires modern, computer-controlled precision machines. As a result of the development, the company will be able to produce furniture and accessories with varied functions, shapes and patterns from 0.5-3 mm treated steel sheet according to the customer's needs. The development enables the in-house production of products that have been made in contract manufacturing, with a higher quality than before, with a wider product range and more economical technology.
The applied technology is completely environmentally friendly, energy-saving compared to similar technologies, and enables extremely flexible use and operation.
In addition to the purchase of equipment, the project also includes consulting services, the introduction of a company management system and the installation of a solar panel system.
The identification number of the project is GINOP PLUSZ-1.2.1-21-00039, title: "Development of a metal furniture and accessories manufacturing plant". The total cost of the project is HUF 257.78 million, of which HUF 180.45 million is a subsidy and HUF 77.34 million is own resources. Expected completion: 14.08.2023. The development is being implemented with the support of the European Union and the Hungarian State, with the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund.
What we represent
Our mission is to achieve continuous improvement. Regarding to successful operating we need opened and innovative vision and approach, since the changes in economy and technology challange us every day. These values are fully represented and communicated by our employees. We monitor the challenges of the time in all areas that ensure the development of the company, whether at technological, procedural or even professional level. Our goal is to create a European level work environment and benefit system and achieve success where all employees and partners can be proud to be a member of our team. It is extremely important for us to be a well functioning and determined company that can perform at the forefront of both commerce and metalworking.
Costumers first
At our company, all of our colleagues keep in mind that the customer and its satisfaction are the most important to us.
We are constantly looking for ways to consistently and proactively ensure a positive customer experience by keeping in mind the expectations of our customers and fulfilling their wishes.
The most important goal of our company and our team is the customer itself, its experience and its connection to our company.
The customer's satisfaction with our products and services makes us work accurately, because it is extremely important for us to provide an adequate and above-average customer experience to our customers.
Our team
Our experts are constantly striving to meet our customers' needs.
Due to the changing conditions and the intensification of competition, companies have made human capital a key factor. This is why we believe that the role of education has also been appreciated. We make sure that our colleagues are constantly trained to ensure that our company fully meets the requirements of the accelerated world. We reinforce their motivation and skills, increase their expertise, and help to learn special knowledge.
Our organizational culture is a system of commonly understood presuppositions, values, beliefs that the members of the organization have both accepted, followed and passed on to new entrants. The examples to be followed in solving the problems, the behavior and the way of thinking are also passed on to our new employees.
Members of the organization are held together by communication and connects our organization with other organizations. It extends to everyday tasks, so it is also a major part of our company's operating.
The company has made the decision to create a metal, fence, rail and pavement manufacturing factory.
We use the most up to date technology, shapes and patterns are limited only by imagination.
Outdoor and indoor pavement materials are typically made of steel sheet, of inox, depending on order, function and pattern.
Our company uses the most modern computer-controlled laser technology. Both patterns and shapes are cut with high precision laser, which is more accurate than all current technologies. As a result, our above listed products are made with a significantly faster process.
Example: we can cut a cover for a restaurant with just as much preparation and effort as we can cut thousands for an office building.
After accurately assessing the needs of our customers and mapping their ideas, we start the design processes of individual products.
We use up to date design programs for design work, where we can explore any production problems when we create a computer model before making the requested products.
The time spent for the design is very important, as the often unforeseen problems of the related parts are revealed and they are eliminated even before production. Thanks to this, the time and money for planning will be paid many times over time. This process helps us to meet our customers' needs at the highest level cost effectively.
The activities of our company include, among others, the wholesale of processed raw materials, semi - finished and finished products of the metal and plastic industry.
Our partners are processing companies in Hungary and production companies in Turkey, Serbia and Greece.
Our source of supply is mostly countries located in the Far East.